

Been a while, eh?




“May every part of my character and conduct make a serious and amiable impression on others, and impel them to ask the way to the Master.”



Two weeks ago, Joel McDaniel spoke about “7 marks of a Biblical leader” from 2 Chronicles.  He specifically used King Jehosaphat as the primary example.  In chapter 20, the Moabites, Ammonites, and Meunites come against him in battle. Jehoshaphat turns to the Lord for guidance, and at the end of his prayer, he says, “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you” (20:12(b)).  Lately, Marie and I have been thinking about this.  Many times I wish the Lord would just tell me what to do in certain situations.  It has been liberating to look to the Lord in these times and say “We do not know what to do, but our eyes are on you.”  Thank the Lord for his guidance. 

American Idol

Recently, Marie and I have been watching American Idol.  Unfortunately, we do not watch both episodes every week but when we can see one of them we really enjoy it.  We specifically like Danny Gokey and Anoop Dawg.  Our least favorites in the top 7 are Lil Rounds and the other girl, but mainly Lil Rounds.  Also, if Paula was in the top 7 she would replace both Lil Rounds and the red headed girl (I cant even remember her name) for my least favorite.  The best thing about Lil Rounds is her striking resemblance to LaFonda from “Napolean Dynamite”.  Could she already be a “star”?  See the pictures below.  I hope she is not cheating.

LaFanda Or Lil Rounds Part 1

LaFanda Or Lil Rounds Part 1

Lafonda of Lil Rounds Part 2

Lafonda of Lil Rounds Part 2

Sleep well…..


I found this picture on the Felton blog.  It had no description but it appears Matt has gently tucked his new tennis racquet into bed with him.  It is good to know that he cares so deeply for what has been entrusted to him.  Also for crucial pictures take a look at the Felton blog.

Lifted up was He to die, “it is finished” was His cry

Now in heaven exalted high, Hallelujah! What a Savior!

Snow Day

This past week we were blessed with a beautiful snow storm.  On Monday night we went to bed hoping to see snow on Tuesday morning.  Marie, however, would not allow me to set my alarm for 3am to monitor the atmospheric conditions.  Fortunately, I was able to wake up at 1:30 am on my own!  I went to the kitchen, looked out the window and was  amazed by the beauty of snow.  After watching the snow for awhile, I ate a brownie and drank some milk and went back to bed.  Tuesday we both worked from home and watched the snow fall all day.  We had a few breaks for me to hit Marie with some snowballs.  It was a great day, and Marie could not believe how excited & pumped I was about snow.  Below are some pictures of the snow. 





Fantasy Football

fantasy-sportsOne of the best things about the fall season is the start of Fantasy Football (just “fantasy” going forward).  Each year twelve of us draft a team and prepare for fierce competition.   Bill Winkenbach started fantasy in 1962, but in the early 90’s the Internet really brought fantasy to life.  Each week you set you best lineup and head to head with another fantasy owner.  The battle is intense.  The rivalries run deep.  There can only be one winner.  This makes watching football much more exciting than it already is!  With much dedication Matt Felton has won the Moo Moo Beach league the last two years.  It is also noteworthy that David Lewis came in last place this past year.  Lastly, I am proud to announce that Marie won the Principal Financial Group league this past year.  She is a respected and feared competitor.


 Matt Felton:  Showing the dedication of a champ.


David Lewis


I have been reading this awesome book “Manhunt: The 12-Day Chase for Lincoln’s Killer” by James Swanson.  The manhunt for John Wilkes Booth (the Brad Pitt of the day) was arguably the greatest manhunt in American history.  It is also arguably the most entertaining book I have read.  Marie has semi agreed to go with me to Washington DC to follow John Wilkes Booth’s moves before and after the assassination.   Honestly, the book is awesome.  It has historical depth and keeps your constant attention.  Let me know if you go buy this book.  We can talk about the awesomeness.  



If anyone reads this blog I apologize.  You have probably been in agony over the past two weeks while the blog was dormant.  The inactivity is mainly due to my broken hand and Christmas events.
